Friday, September 2, 2011

Is there life after atheism?

One of the reasons I stopped posting here (besides the usual “little patience with talking to myself in an empty room) was that after years of being an antitheist, it dawned on me that I wouldn’t wish the condition on anyone else. So I stopped proselytizing.  I have a hard time participating in discussions about belief with people who swear by theirs, but I wouldn’t necessarily want to change their minds, unless…
Unless I could offer some alternative upon which to hang their minds and rest their so-called souls.
I had just decided I would do so by showing – as opposed to telling – how I reached this point and how I dealt with being godless every single day of my life since. (After this initial re-introduction, I’ll attempt to recall and explore the path to total atheism, through the various facets that come under the faith umbrella.)
I was thinking  I would start up a new blog –again – this one having pretty much slipped off my radar, using the title “Diary of a mad atheist woman”, with the word “woman” crossed out. But when I looked it up I found that someone else was using it, or something very much like it, and the blog drew me in like few (or maybe none) before it.  Definitely worth checking out or its sister site,. Because as luck would have it (just an expression, nothing underlying it), at the very same time I was checking it out, an announcement appeared to say it was moving, to
but if you want to check out what Greta has been saying for years, go  directly to the old place
which is filled with juicy tidbits and bracing theories too.

Below  is the first comment I tried to post (and will check back to see if I succeeded) in relation to her post about accommodation vs diplomacy on the part of atheists

If not accommodating those who hold religious beliefs (and I'm not necessarily against that in principle, I'm just wondering whether the consequences are at all practicable) is the aim then to strip them of such beliefs? And if so, what can be offered in lieu of such beliefs? I know from my own experience that having some kind of faith is (mostly) easier than not having any at all.
Considering all of the facets of life that belief systems are intricately woven into, I'm not sure how capable - mentally, emotionally - most people are of living without them...

I don’t really know if there is/are definitive answers to the question, but I can’t wait to read the views of Greta and her fellow atheistic friends.

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